FONTODI, Flaccianello della Pieve 2006 Doube Magnum


The 2006 Flaccianello della Pieve open with a note of green olives or dried garden herbs. With aeration, the bouquet offered dark plum, prune, earthy tones, menthol freshness, camphor ash, and distinct minerality. The wine displayed elegance, freshness, and silkiness on the palate, reflecting its overall quality. The vintage’s extreme diurnal temperature shifts, reaching up to 30 degrees Celsius during the day and dropping to ten degrees Celsius at night, may have contributed to this complexity.


商品編號: FTD2006R300FSP 分類: 標籤:
RatingRP 94+ Reviewed by: Monica Larner



    RP 94+ Reviewed by: Monica Larner